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News & Events


WE ARE MARRIED in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic


Website Launch in basic outline format


Posted! photographer's photos and video


Baby Sophia is born!
Christmas Eve at 2:33pm, Sophia Jean joins the world - the perfect Christmas gift!

Vacation and Wedding VIDEOS

It probably is no surprise to anybody checking this web site that I (Scott) work for an Internet video hosting company - here's my chance to show off not only my beautiful wife, but do so using our technology! It makes her look good :-P     Keep in mind this is highly compressed video for delivery over the Internet - if you want the high-res originals to make local prints, or to edtch onto a tee-shirt or coffee mug, let me know, I'll gladly provide


This is a video playlist, beginning with the ceremony, then to the Segway ride... I have a lot of video that I will be posting to this as I find the time. And yes, of course, this uses Vignette Video services (send an email if you'd like the sales pitch)